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Day 75 – 16th March: St Peter Canisius (1521-1597)


"If you have too much to do, with God's help you will find the time to do it all," said St Peter Canisius.

He lived what he preached, and was on the go non-stop in Reformation-era Germany. Peter founded schools, defended Catholicism in print and debate, converted Protestants, visited prisoners, and prayed with the sick. In his last 20 years alone, Peter travelled 30,000 miles by horseback. Called the 'second apostle to Germany,' Peter was born in Nijmegen, now part of Holland. At the age of 19, he met St Peter Faber, one of the first men to join the Jesuits. Impressed, Peter joined too. He was quick to latch onto the new technology of his day: the printing press.

In 1555, Peter published the first Catechism for ordinary people. If you feel stressed by too much work, ask for Peter's help.

Prayer St Peter Canisius

Dear Lord, as we reflect on

Saint Peter Canisius

we give thanks for his courage

to defend the faith. May we be like

St Peter and defend the faith at all times

and help people come to know you.

We ask this through Christ, Your Son, Our Lord.


St Peter Canisius… Pray for us.

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