Female Apostolic Orders
Adoratrices www.adoratrices.com
Bridgettines (Order of the Most Holy Saviour of St Bridget) www.bridgettine.org
Brigidines (Congregation of St Brigid) www.brigidine.org.au
Canonesses of St Augustine www.boarbankhall.org.uk
Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre www.canonesses.co.uk
Canossian Daughters of Charity www.canossian.org
Carmelite Missionaries www.carmelitasmisioneras.org
Carmelites Sisters of Corpus Christi www.corpuschristicarmelites.org
Cenacle Sisters (Our Lady of the Cenacle) www.cenaclesisters.co.uk
Comboni Missionary Sisters www.comboniane.org/en
Congregation of Jesus www.congregationofjesus.org.uk
Congregation of Our Lady of Fidelity www.ourladyoffidelity.org.uk
Congregation of Our Lady of Sion www.notredamedesion.org
Congregation of Our Lady of the Missions www.rndm.org
Congregation of The Dominican Sisters of Newcastle Natal www.dominicansisters.co.uk
Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul www.daughtersofcharity.org.uk
Daughters of Divine Charity http://fdc-sisters.org.uk/
Daughters of Divine Love www.ddlenglishregion.org
Daughters of Jesus www.fillesdejesus.org
Daughters of Mary and Joseph www.daughtersofmaryandjoseph.org
Daughters of St Paul www.paulineuk.org/daughters-of-st-paul
Daughters of the Cross of Liège www.daughtersofthecross.org.uk
Daughters of the Heart of Mary www.dhmary.com
Daughters of the Holy Spirit www.fillesstesprit.org/site/english/001.html
Daughters of Wisdom www.daughtersofwisdom.org.uk
Dominican Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus www.dominicanmissionarysisters.org
Dominican Sisters of St Joseph www.dominicansisters.net
Dominican Sisters of the English Congregation www.stonedominicans.org
Faithful Companions of Jesus www.fcjsisters.org
Franciscan Missionaries of Mary www.fmmii.org
Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood http://fmdminternational.co.uk/
Franciscan Missionaries Sisters of St Joseph www.fmsj.co.uk
Franciscan Sisters Minoress www.franciscansm.org
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception www.dioceseofbrentwood.net/parish/braintree/
Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal www.franciscansisterscfr.com
Franciscans of St Mary of the Angels www.fsmamhow.com
Francsican Missionary Sisters of Littlehampton www.franciscan.co.uk
Grace and Compassion Benedictines www.graceandcompassionbenedictines.org.uk
Handmaids of Mary, Ministers to the Sick http://handmaidsofmary.org.uk/
Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus www.hhcjsisters.org
Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus http://aciengland.org/
Helpers of the Holy Souls www.societyofhelpersgb.org
Holy Family of Bordeaux www.holyfamilybordeaux.org
Holy Family Sisters (St Emilie) www.holyfamilysisters.org.uk
Holy Family Sisters of the Needy https://en-gb.facebook.com/pg/The-Holy-Family-Sisters-of-the-Needy
Immaculate Heart of Mary Mother of Christ www.ihmmcsisters.org
Infant Jesus Sisters www.infantjesussisters.org
Insitute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto Sisters) www.ibvm.org.uk
Institute of Our Lady of Mercy www.ourladyofmercy.org.uk
Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto) http://ibvm.org.uk/
Little Company of Mary www.lcmsisters.org
Little Sisters of Jesus www.jesuscaritas.info/jcd/lsj
Little Sisters of the Assumption www.littlesisters.org
Little Sisters of the Poor www.littlesistersofthepoor.co.uk
Marist Sisters www.marists.net
Medical Mission Sisters www.medicalmissionsisters-uk.org
Medical Missionaries of Mary www.mmmworldwide.org
Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa (White Sisters) www.msolafrica.org
Missionary Sisters of St Columban www.columbansisters.org
Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver www.claveriansisters.org.uk
Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary www.holyrosarymissionarysisters.org
Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate www.mdipime.org
Missionary Sisters, Servants of the Holy Spirit www.worldssps.org
Oblates of the Assumption www.assumptionoblatesisters.org.uk
Order of the Company of Mary Our Lady www.lestonnac-odn.org/en
Pallotine Missionary Sisters www.pallottinesisters.org
Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ www.poorhandmaidsofjesuschrist.org.uk
Poor Servants of the Mother of God http://www.poorservants.org/
Presentation Sisters (Union) www.pbvmengland.co.uk
Religious of the Assumption www.assumptionreligious.org
Religious of Mary Immaculate www.religiosasmariainmaculada.org/en/
Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary (Beziers) www.rshm-nep.org
Religious Sisters of Charity www.rsccaritas.ie
Salesian Sisters – Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians www.salesians.org.uk
School Sisters Notre Dame www.gerhardinger.org www.ssnd.org
Servite Sisters (Servants of Mary) www.servitesistersinternational.org
Sisters Hospitallers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus www.sistershospitallers.org
Sisters of Bon Secours de Paris www.bonsecours.org
Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Evron www.soeurs-charite-evron.com
Sisters of Charity of St Jeanne Antide www.suoredellacarita.org
Sisters of Charity of St Paul the Apostle www.sellypark.org
Sisters of La Retraite www.laretraite.ws
Sisters of Mercy www.mercyworld.org
Sisters of Nazareth www.sistersofnazareth.com
Sisters of Nazareth www.sistersofnazareth.com
Sisters of Notre Dame (de Namur) www.snduk.org
Sisters of Providence of Ruille-sur-Loir www.providenceruillesurloir.com/english
Sisters of St Andrew www.saint-andre.be/en
Sisters of St Clare www.sistersofstclare.ie
Sisters of St John of God www.ssjg.org
Sisters of St Joseph www.csjoseph.org
Sisters of St Joseph of Annecy www.ssjavocations.org
Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny www.sjc.ie
Sisters of St Joseph of Lyon www.stjosephlyon.org
Sisters of St Joseph of Peace www.csjp.org
Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition www.stjoseph-apparition.org.au/index.html
Sisters of St Louis www.stlouissisters.org
Sisters of St Mary of Namur http://ssmnwestern.com/
Sisters of St Paul of Chartres www.stpaulrome.com
Sisters of the Christian Retreat www.christian-retreat.org
Sisters of the Cross and Passion http://crossandpassion.com/
Sisters of the Holy Cross www.holycrossengland.org.uk
Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth www.nazarethfamily.org
Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary www.sacredheartsjm.org
Society of Sisters of Marie Reparatrice www.smr.org
Society of the Holy Child Jesus www.shcj.org
Society of the Sacred Heart www.rscjuk.org
Ursulines (Roman Union of The Order of St Ursula) www.ursulines.co.uk
Ursulines of Jesus www.ursulinesjesus.org
Ursulines, Union of Irish www.ursulines.ie