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Day 20 – 20th January: St Fabian (d.250)

St Fabian was a Pope who after 14 years was martyred by Decius who at the time wanted Christians to deny Christ. St Fabian was strong in the faith and whilst he was Pope there was generally peace and growth in the Church. Once martyred he was buried in the catacomb of Calistus and moved to the Church of St Sebastian, whose feast day is also today.

Prayer: St Fabian

Dear Lord, as we reflect on

St Fabian,

we pray in thanksgiving for his mission,

here on earth as Pope.

We look upon his bravery shown,

when he was killed for being

Your servant and staying true to the Faith.

We thank all those who protect our faith,

even at the time of persecution.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


St Fabian. Pray for us

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