29th World Day for
Consecrated Life
Sunday 2nd February 2025
In 1997 St John Paul II instituted a ‘World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life’ on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also known as Candlemas Day, which highlights the fact that Christ is the light of the world through the symbolic lighting of the candles. Just like the candles we too, the consecrated men and women need to share the light of Christ to all the people. Each year the Church has thanked God for the gift of the different forms of consecrated life and pray that our Church will continue to be enriched by the life and witness of consecrated men and women.
Message of the Holy Father
Pope Francis

Message from Rt Rev Alan Williams SM (Catholic Bishop of Brentwood)

The International Day of Consecrated Life is celebrated each year on the Feast of the Presentation. The consecrated life takes many and varied forms but at the root of all of them is the handing over of oneself to Jesus Christ in his poverty, obedience and chastity.
May the light of this Feast Day and the work of the Holy Spirit lead more people to embrace the consecrated life in the image and likeness of Christ who alone is our way, truth and life.
+Alan Williams, SM

Prayers of the Faithful