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Day 94 – 4th April: St Isidore (1070-1130)

St Isidore was born in Madrid in 1070. He spent his whole life working as a farmer on John de Vergas’ estate which was located in a nearby town Torrelaguanna. He was very devout attending Mass every morning, even if it meant that he was late for work. He married Maria de la Cabeza, also a simple, but devout woman who became a saint in her own right. They had one son who died when it was very young. Both Isidore and Maria were concerned for the poor and it is said that on occasion he they miraculously supplied them with food. Isidore prayed whilst he ploughed and was greatly concerned for the welfare of animals and their treatment. He died in 1130 and was canonised by Pope Gregory XV in 1622. He is known as the St Isidore the farmer and is considered the patron saint of farmers and rural communities.

Dear Lord, as we reflect on St Isidore’s life,

help us appreciate agricultural workers

in growing and cultivating crops

and managing livestock so that we have food to eat.

Help us work towards ensuring

that all animals are valued and treated humanly.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.


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